
Hsinchu Zion Church

Hsinchu Zion Church

Church is located on the north side of Dongmei Road, Hsinchu City. It is not only the church, but also the place to learn, the community, home, and the place to connect with god. Moving the church from the ground to the high level brings the sunlight inside the church. The Church is inspired by both the planning concept of the traditional Chinese Garden ("block first, guide second, and the third is to link and connect") and lengthens the space between the outer world and the inner holy world. With to connect the community and the neighborhood to the Church. In terms of design, the architecture conforms to the natural climate by adopting a cohesive dual courtyard configuration, effectively shielding against the northern winds and noise vibrations. The courtyard's three-dimensional atrium connects the internal spaces of the church. The solid wall on the north side efficiently blocks strong northern winds and isolates noise vibrations. The church serves as a landmark, spreading the gospel of God to the city. The courtyard-style spatial layout includes a community-friendly central courtyard and versatile open spaces, such as a comprehensive activity center and classrooms, offering flexibility in functionality. Regarding the circulation, the concept of a leisurely park is employed, elongating the transitional space from the secular to the sacred. Space is utilized with turns and guided by light to extend the spatial sequence, allowing worshippers to prepare with devout hearts before meeting the Lord. This creates a flowing and extended space, akin to a microcosmic human body universe, resembling the flow of nerves and blood vessels within the human body—a space where air and light flow within the architecture.

Category Religious
Location Hsinchu City
Completion 施工中
Hsinchu Zion Church
社區中心  城市場所
我們在此  聚集敬拜
我們在此  禱告讚美
我們在此  活動交通
聆聽  主的話語
宣揚  主的福音
傳達  主的使命
這裏是  上帝的殿  耶穌已在此立好根基
這是  耶和華在建造  祂已揀選好寶貴的房角石
安放在  錫安
Hsinchu Zion Church
Hsinchu Zion Church
Hsinchu Zion Church
Hsinchu Zion Church
Hsinchu Zion Church
Hsinchu Zion Church
Hsinchu Zion Church
Hsinchu Zion Church
Hsinchu Zion Church
Hsinchu Zion Church
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