
Yunlin County Labor and Recreation Center

Yunlin County Labor and Recreation Center

The concept for this project is based on the idea of a "landscape architecture" that responds to the open nature of the surrounding area:

The building is located on the south side of the site, near the surrounding schools, making it easy to connect with the activities around.

Harmonizing with the terrain to create a new landscape
The site itself is a depression, and the surrounding environment is open. The design respects the local natural environment by adapting to the terrain and constructing a building that emphasizes horizontal lines, with most of it submerged below ground level. This creates a gentle and multi-layered visual spatial effect, where the stairwells intentionally rise vertically to become the visual focus of the flat landscape. The project offers large green open spaces and comprehensive facilities to serve the surrounding community and the target audience. The distinctive personality of the building creates a recognizable urban space.

Space settlement beneath the ground
The second floor of the building serves as a platform garden, featuring an open green area and a wooden platform that extends from the south to connect with the road, allowing the ground to stretch to the rooftop platform garden. In addition to the large green area, a café is also set up to serve both the croquet field and recreational crowd, connecting it seamlessly with the northern croquet field. The internal spaces are strategically placed underground, interconnected by circulation routes, responding to the expansive outdoor space and achieving a harmonious integration of indoor and outdoor spaces.

Diverse functional areas
The architectural space is composed of a system of walls, and the enclosed space is flexible in nature, allowing the labor and recreation center to have a more diverse space for use. Various activities for labor friends, local industry exchanges, and community activity centers can take place here, achieving an educational and entertaining purpose. The application of color relies on the colors of the materials themselves, naturally blending with the surrounding landscape without deliberately shaping a distinct architectural form. The division of materials creates a distinct layering of the entire structure.

The architectural mass emphasizes visual transparency, bringing outdoor views into the interior and creating good natural lighting and ventilation conditions to reduce energy consumption.

Roof: The first-floor roof is mainly covered with greenery, effectively shielding the scorching sunlight in southern Taiwan, allowing the green belt to extend to the building.

Walls: Grey is the primary tone, with washed stone and pebble walls, and exposed concrete walls to create a simple appearance that connects with the earth. Clearwater brick walls are used to strengthen regional characteristics.

Since the project site is located on the urban fringe of Douliu City in Yunlin County, the original site was two meters lower than the road. Therefore, the design aims to adapt to the original terrain, making use of local materials (common in Taiwan, such as red bricks, wood, and reinforced concrete). The "semi-space" strategy, which involves being semi-underground, semi-outdoor, and semi-public, is intended to open up the increasingly "isolated" urban environment in Taiwan and try to integrate increasingly "isolated" interpersonal relationships.

The roof is not just a roof but uses the inverted beam system to connect with the surrounding farmland image, and covered with greenery to form a community leisure and activity park. Additionally, due to the hot and rainy summers in central and southern Taiwan, the design adapts to the terrain to create semi-outdoor spaces and courtyards, forming a well-ventilated and well-lit multi-level building. The semi-underground design also cleverly solves the problem of winter northeast monsoons and provides residents in the community (in addition to laborers) with more opportunities for outdoor activities, such as wedding banquets or agricultural product (Yunlin is an agricultural county) marketing events.

In-Situ Field
The architectural space is composed of a system of walls, and the enclosed space is flexible, breaking away from the textual definition of space and allowing the labor and recreation center to have a more diverse and flexible space for use. Whether it is labor friends' study activities, local industry exchanges, or community activity centers, they can all happen here. In the application of materials, traditional Taiwanese architectural vocabulary is used, with thick brick walls that break away from the somber gray series of the building surface, representing the vitality of the locality.

  • 2009 Taiwan Architecture Award, First Prize
Category Public
Location Yunlin
Completion 2006
Yunlin County Labor and Recreation Center


反樑浮現屋頂 一隴一隴

遠方的山巒 重重疊疊
屋頂不只是屋頂 成了
閒話家常的 鄰居
嘻戲中的 少年
眺望著 日出而作
日落而息的 家人
生命在此傳承 生活在此落實
配合地形 降了半層的空間
巧妙地減弱寒冷東北季風的 侵襲
多重的半戶外棚架 不只提供了勞工朋友
瓜果蔬菜生產時節亦提供 農產品產售 販賣的機會
活動在此熱絡地產生 討價還價
交流在此活潑地開始 東家長 李家短
風隨著空間流動 覆土的屋頂
光 隨著內/外 透明/半透明 虛/實 而
產生 明/暗的變化 並 與時推移
層層相套的 流動感空間 與
台灣原生樹木的花香綠意 隨風婆娑起舞 嘻遊記
轉化成一道一道 麻雀愛來閒談聊天的鳥踏
我愛台灣 我愛寶島 Formosa
春夏秋冬 四季無窮的變化
Yunlin County Labor and Recreation Center
Yunlin County Labor and Recreation Center
Yunlin County Labor and Recreation Center
Yunlin County Labor and Recreation Center
Yunlin County Labor and Recreation Center
Yunlin County Labor and Recreation Center
Yunlin County Labor and Recreation Center
Yunlin County Labor and Recreation Center
Yunlin County Labor and Recreation Center
Yunlin County Labor and Recreation Center
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